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Winter is Coming... Actually It's Here - Claire Bénet - December 11, 2018

December 10, 1888 - Gryffindor Common Room
There was only a little over a week left before winter break, and Claire was not excited. Hogwarts was such an adventure, why would she wish to go home? Getting to explore a castle was far more fun than exploring Papa's study. Things seemed far less interesting in Papa's study now. And the very thought of hearing Mama scold her for not acting 'lady-like' was simply dreadful. It got Claire to thinking, what if she didn't go home for the holidays? Other students were doing so, and Mama and Papa would see her over the summer.

The only person she really felt would need convincing would be Cele. Even now, Claire couldn't imagine that her twin would want to be away from Mama and Papa during the holidays. But there wasn't much to do at home. And it made Claire wonder if she was going to have to ask Mama and Papa if she could stay at Hogwarts... by herself for winter. Thinking of that only made butterflies flutter around in her insides and her head feel like it was spinning wildly. But she had to ignore it. If she was ever going to convince Cele that staying was a good idea, she was going to have to be confident.

Studying with her twin at the moment, she had continuously gave glances in the hopes of catching Cele's attention and having Cele speak first. But it didn't happen. With more time gone, Claire became more and more nervous. But she couldn't let it show, she really couldn't. So before she missed her chance of doing this with any confidence at all, she poked her sister gently on the arm, and gave a sheepish smile.

RE: Winter is Coming... Actually It's Here - Céleste Bénet - December 11, 2018

Unlike her twin, Cele couldn't wait to return home for the winter. While she had fun at Hogwarts, she missed Mama and Papa. In just a few short days, they'd be going home and that sounded like the best thing in the world. She wished she knew what her twin was thinking, though she figured it had something to do with the fact that their school was just as much their home now as their actual home was.

She could tell something was wrong with her sister, so she kept glancing up (just missing Claire's looks), and wondered when her fellow redhead would say something. After some time in silence, and after their homework was almost done, she felt her twin poking her arm.

She returned the smile her twin gave her. She didn't know what to say, but figured Claire wanted to speak first.

RE: Winter is Coming... Actually It's Here - Claire Bénet - December 11, 2018

Brave, like a Gryffindor. Claire thought this to herself as she thought of what exactly to say. Mind blank, but something was on the tip of her tongue. In a split second, she decided to go with whatever it was her instincts were telling her to say. "I don't want to go home for winter!" ... Had she just shouted that? Putting a hand over her mouth, she realized that she had. Eyes were wide as her heart pounded so hard and loud, she was surprised that the room wasn't shaking or that no one else seemed to notice the sound that Claire could swear that she heard.

That was certainly not how she had wanted to say it. Her smile was long gone. It had ran off to America, or France, or somewhere far away. That was not how she had wanted to say that. If she had glanced around, she was sure that everyone in the common room was looking at the twins. She had not wanted to say it like that. But she had, and she couldn't change it now. Stupid tongue.

RE: Winter is Coming... Actually It's Here - Céleste Bénet - December 11, 2018

Cele was surprised at Claire blurting that she didn't want to go home for the winter. The smile faded from her face as she stared at her twin. She knew that her sister wasn't happy that they'd have to stop using magic, something they both loved, every time they went home. But, how could they not go home every chance they got?

While they'd been home for a few months over the summer, something she was looking forward to even more than she was the short weeks coming up, she wasn't sure she could not practice what she'd learned.

Home was closer for them than some of the other students, literally being just across the lake, but it wasn't close enough for Cele. She couldn't talk to Mama and Papa, and she rarely even saw them on the other side of the lake. She felt mildly homesick at the thought of not seeing them until June.

But there was a worse feeling of not having her twin with her for Christmas that left a bad taste in her mouth. She didn't know which thought made her feel the worse.

“Okay,” she started, still trying to make up her mind as to what she would say.  She still wasn't completely sure why Claire didn't want to go home. Whatever happened, if one twin stayed and one went home – or both twins stayed –  Cele was sure she'd spend Christmas day crying in the privacy of a bathroom without her twin's knowing.

RE: Winter is Coming... Actually It's Here - Claire Bénet - December 14, 2018

Claire hated herself. It was official. Cele's disappearing smile made that a sure thing, for Claire must now hate herself. Bad tongue, tricking her into thinking that it had a better way of handling this. She should have waited until she knew what to say. But... what would have made that statement any better? Not accidently shouting would have made it better. But what would have really been better wording that would have made the information easier for her twin? Claire certainly couldn't think of anything. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout." She mumbled quietly as she looked away from her twin.

RE: Winter is Coming... Actually It's Here - Céleste Bénet - December 16, 2018

Cele looked away from her twin. She didn't care that she'd shouted that she didn't want to go home. How she was told, it didn't matter. But Claire wanting to not to go home... It hurt. They'd always done everything together, always been on the same page, and this was the first time she felt separated from Claire even though they were right next to each other. "You don't need to apologize." she mumbled.

RE: Winter is Coming... Actually It's Here - Claire Bénet - December 21, 2018

What could she possibly do now? Besides say something else that would be stupid and make her sister sad. No, instead fell into her hands and she stayed quiet. This time, she decided to wait until she knew what she was going to stay. Never was she going to simply trust her tongue to have things sorted out for her.

RE: Winter is Coming... Actually It's Here - Céleste Bénet - December 21, 2018

Cele watched her twin, unsure what to do. Neither of them had been in such an awkward position, at least not when it was both of them talking to each other. "I don't want to stay here over winter break, Claire." It felt like they were both on opposite sides, for the first time in their lives. "You should stay, though." It was going to be a weird holiday, the first time of them not sharing Christmas together.

RE: Winter is Coming... Actually It's Here - Claire Bénet - December 31, 2018

First their birthday, now this. Their eleventh birthday had begun with Claire needing space and going off on her own with a chaperone. Which lead to her finding a bunny with a nice lady that she had met. On her own. When she had fallen off of the ship, she had been on her own too. Was this only the beginning? Winter break, Christmas, on her own? Perhaps the sorting hat had got it wrong. Perhaps they were not meant to be in the same house at all. "OK." She said quietly, simply.