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Troubles on the Mind - Sweetie Whitledge - November 15, 2018

November 14, 1888 - Hogwarts Corridors
It was still quite disappointing for Sweetie that she hadn't made it past the first round of the potions contest. Even if it wasn't her favorite class. Still, those she had competed against did seem quite smart. It was good that she was not the only Slytherin there. At least she hadn't let her house down completely by not making it to the end.

Her mind elsewhere, she didn't really notice another person turning the corner until it was too late. A flash of red hair was the main thing she noticed while bumping into the other student. Well, she also noticed her things immediately falling to the ground upon the collision. She could only hope that the other student's belongings hadn't fallen as well. Looking at the other student clearly now, Sweetie's eyes widened at the brightness of red that the young girl's hair was. It was clear that she wasn't happy. "My apologies. I should have been more attentive."

[word count: 161]

RE: Troubles on the Mind - Sloane Bixby - November 16, 2018

To say Sloane had been in a grumpy mood every since her brother's letter the other day would have been an understatement. While her hair was no longer flaming red, it was still tinted a dark shade of ruby that proved to show her mood even when she wasn't willing to share it with everybody around her. Cammie's attempts to cheer her up the other day had worked a little (hence the hair change) but she wasn't over it yet. Her idiot brother had eloped that Lockhart girl and thought a letter would cover it! What a jerk.

With her broom over her shoulder, all Sloane wanted to do was get the flip out of the castle and race around the pitch until her nose was numb, it grew too dark to see, or she felt better. The middle option was most likely, but who knew, flying was miraculous for her mood most of the time. Rounding a corner toward the entrance of the school, Sloane ran into someone, someone a lot taller than she was and older at that, so the small second year went sprawling backwards onto her butt along with her broom and the girl's books. Just barely containing the urge to kick her feet and pitch a fit, Sloane grumbled under her breath, hair darkening with her mood. Fortunately her broom seemed fine.

"It's fine." She huffed out miserably. "Wasn't looking where I was going."

RE: Troubles on the Mind - Sweetie Whitledge - November 17, 2018

Sweetie wasn't unfamiliar with sibling conflict. Especially when it came to older brothers. To be honest, she was still in a conflict with said brother. Not that she mentioned it much at school. With Handsome out of school, it was easier to pretend that she didn't have a brother. Upon him being mentioned, she would try to ignore it if she could. If she knew what the other girl was going through then she could certainly relate. Advise on the other hand was not something that Sweetie would be confident giving. She didn't even know what to do about her own brother.

Blinking once, twice, and three times, Sweetie could have sworn that she had seen the girl's hair darken. A change that she supposed was caused by the light. The girl in question looked younger. Reaching out a hand, Sweetie gave a small apologetic smile. The broom lead Sweetie to believing that this girl was a quidditch player. A sinking feeling in her stomach caused her smile to waver at the thought of her quidditch playing brother. "I suppose we both have been distracted by our own thoughts then." She mused.

[word count: 192]

RE: Troubles on the Mind - Sloane Bixby - November 17, 2018

Dusting off her hands, Sloane popped back up and collected her broom from the marble floor, checking to make sure nothing was damaged in the fall. It would be just her luck to break her broom after all of this. At least Alvin would have been able to fix it, unlike other circumstances in her life. "Guess so, sorry for running into you." Sloane offered as she bent to start helping to gather the girl's books from the floor. At least Sloane hadn't caused a massive disaster, which would also be just her luck.

RE: Troubles on the Mind - Sweetie Whitledge - November 18, 2018

Watching as the young girl got up quicker than Sweetie expected, the Slytherin stepped back out of instinct. Fast movements like that were not something that sat well with the Whitledge girl. Uncertain why, she decided to ignore it. Looking at the broom as the girl picked it up, Sweetie then turned her eyes towards her own belongings. "Apology accepted." Bending down, she was careful not to bump into the other girl while helping to gather the books. Smiling a little while glancing at one book in particular, she sighed softly. A book on animagi. One of the many that she would be studying for the next few years.

[word counter: 109]

RE: Troubles on the Mind - Sloane Bixby - November 21, 2018

Sloane piled a couple things up for the older girl before scooting back to straighten up to her petite height. She sighed softly, wondering if a flight was even going to do the trick. Maybe she should have just gone up to her room and taken a nap. Slowly her hair turned a shade of dark blue, bordering on purple- part-way between mad and sad. She could see it in the tendrils that always fell about her eyes and huffed at them, blowing them out of her face.

Ugh, she loved being a metamorph most of the time, but with her extreme emotions, she tended to get annoyed with it more than anything else. One day she'd be able to control it, but right now, her hair broadcast her mood across any room. "Hope that's everything." She said as she shouldered her broom.

RE: Troubles on the Mind - Sweetie Whitledge - November 21, 2018

To Sweetie Whiltedge's knowledge, she has never met a metamorphmagus. What would it be like to be able to change one's appearance at will? After all, that was what she was trying to accomplish in becoming an animagus. Besides the bragging rights of course. Would her brother had seen more value in her if she had been something special from birth? These would be questions she would ask herself upon realizing what the girl before her actually was.

Looking up as the girl spoke, Sweetie's eyes widened at the suddenly different change in hair color. "Oh my..." She mumbled as her first reaction. It took her a moment to register this in her mind. Such thoughts began to run through her head as the small smile had faded completely. "You're a... metamorphmagus, yes?" It was either that, or Sweetie was loosing her mind. The latter was a far more terrifying concept.

[word count: 151]

RE: Troubles on the Mind - Sloane Bixby - November 21, 2018

Sloane nearly scowled, but was mostly annoyed with herself at this point. If she could just control her abilities better, she wouldn't have to face that comment all of the time. "Mhm." She answered in a noncommittal kind of agreement. Her hair faded to a dark sort of teal- embarrassed for Sloane. The colors didn't always make sense, but to anyone who knew her well enough could start to figure out the pattern.

"Both my oldest brother and I are." She sighed finally. Though Fussy was far better at controlling his abilities now. She was jealous, but all she could really do was practice, or try to force it, like she was trying to do now. "Not very good at it, clearly." The last addition was a little bitter.

RE: Troubles on the Mind - Sweetie Whitledge - November 27, 2018

Well, this was certainly interesting. A metamorphmagus at school. How would Sweetie not have heard of this? Well, the girl looked younger. Perhaps she was a newer student. Likely not a firstie, but perhaps a second year. Just like Honey. That thought caused an uneasy feeling in Sweetie, though she didn't let it show.

Two metamorphmagi in the same family? Must be interesting for any other possible siblings. "Oh, and how old is he?" She asked curiously. Was he still in school? It would be shocking to the sixth year if she found out that their was a meta in her own house. "I'm sure you will master your abilities over time." An added comment. It was hard to be in an older brother's shadow. ... Sweetie knew all too well how that felt.

[word counter: 134]

RE: Troubles on the Mind - Sloane Bixby - November 27, 2018

Sloane thought the girl's question to be kind of odd, but she shrugged anyway. "Uh, twenty-four now I think." Old. Old and dumb. Clearly wisdom did not accompany Fussy's age. It really was unbelievable. Sloane was bitter and angry and still mildly flabbergasted by the whole thing. It was so stupid and she kind of felt stupid for being so annoyed about it all. Christmas was going to be awkward as hell this year.

"Yeah eventually, not soon enough." It would be rather nice to be able to hide what she was feeling rather than letting the whole world know via her hair color. Shifting her weight idly from foot to foot, she was getting antsy and anxious to get out on the pitch now that the girl's things were all settled. "Now it's time for quidditch practice instead, however." She huffed out a sigh and readjusted her broom on her shoulder.

RE: Troubles on the Mind - Sweetie Whitledge - November 27, 2018

Hm, well it was certainly not likely for Sweetie to have met him through school. Oh well. It would have been interesting to get to know someone with such gifts. It would certainly have been easier if they had been close in age. Perhaps she would one day knowingly meet a meta that was of closer age, as it would certainly be more appropriate to chat with someone of a similar age in general.

Seeing the slight change in the girl's stance, it seemed as though their conversation had come to an end. Wouldn't want to begin annoying the poor girl any further. "Well, you best go then. Enjoy quidditch." It was a simple statement. Unless the girl had more to discuss, Sweetie had given a reasonable way for the girl to leave the conversation easily.

[word count: 136]