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August 30th, 1888 - after the Aphrodite Soiree - London Edric Umbridge
Though she had wanted to go to the soiree this evening to see her friends, and she had spent a great deal of time with them before and during, Febs was mostly looking forward to the after of the evening. Everything else had been fun, of course, getting ready with B and Lena like they had back in school, accosting Mr. Rosier for booze, seeing Dolly and some of her other school friends, it had all be lovely of course, but Febs was socialized-out now and she just wanted to go to Edric's and stay the night. Her mother thought she was staying with a friend for the night, which wasn't unusual considering they had used her house to get ready, one intrusion was enough, the late hour of her return didn't need to wake up the entire house.
And it was late, she realized when she finally bid Dolly goodnight and congratulations on a splendid event. She'd only managed to see Edric a handful of times across the evening, trying hard not to make her looks his way too obvious, though she probably didn't do that great of a job. Frankly she was ready to go and relax to get the pins out of her hair and this dress off her body, so when she slipped out of the hotel and apparated straight into Edric's room, she was more than ready to collapse on his bed. However there was still a ballgown to contend with, jewelry to take off and other ridiculous layers to deal with. Febs decided to start at the top with her pins.
Warm brown eyes landing on him, she smiled slowly. "Hi," She greeted softly, unsure of how long he'd been here himself. The excitement of the evening started to ebb and she could feel the exhaustion radiating down her limbs as she raised her arms to start pulling pins from her hair. "I was surprised to see you tonight, did you have a good time?" She hummed, clearly amused; he hadn't told her he was going and so when she'd first spotted him, she'd been a little surprised, but in the long run, really wasn't. Febs honestly hadn't even second-guessed it, just kind of rolled with it, it wasn't like she was misbehaving or assumed he was there to keep an eye on her. Well maybe he had been, but it was a very Edric move, so she didn't even think twice about it.
RE: Between You & Me - Edric Umbridge - September 23, 2018
Edric had made the decision to look into the Aphrodite Soiree not too long after February had announced she was to attend. It was only when he'd received his work schedule for the upcoming week - assuming no disasters struck unexpectedly - that he'd firmly decided to attend. He knew very little of either of the guest hostesses, but that didn't stop him from being accosted by them: the matchmaking one, who'd informed him that his soulmate was...
Well, it didn't matter. In his own stubborn, skeptical mind, he was the only one who could decide who he was meant to be with - and for him, that was February Lynch. She was perhaps the most insufferable, combative woman he'd ever met, but she was also one of the most alluring, gorgeous, affectionate ones that he'd met.
Ever since first making eye contact with her that evening, Edric had been anxiously awaiting to get his dose of that affection. The hours passed slowly as she disappeared in and out of sight, leaving him to entertained (or if he was lucky, be entertained) by the other guests. (For all the publicity that came with his position, he was decidedly a man who preferred the familiarity of his home and office; the social scene was not his within his domain.)
He'd cast her a knowing glance as the night came to an end, signaling that he was returning home - and that she was very much welcome. Thus, it did not surprise him when, within an hour or so, she arrived.
"Hello, lover," he responded, his lips upturned into a tired smile. He moved away from the fireplace and took a seat on the edge of the bed, his eyes following her hands' movements as she unpinned her hair. "It would've been much more enjoyable if more of my time had been spent with you."
Working the pins and twists from her hair, the chestnut waves slowly fell, little by little down over her shoulder as she set the pins aside on the nightstand. Finally she ran her hands through her long locks making sure she'd gotten all of them. One clattered to the floor signaling she'd missed it, which caused her to chuckle quietly to herself. She bent to pick it up, stretching her back in the process and slipped out of her shoes. That was immediately better. Next she slipped off the simple bracelets from her wrists and the necklace of her mother's went to join the pile. Not having her pendant, her locket or her ring on her person was incredibly disconcerting. All were safely tucked away in the bottom of her jewelry box at home, but still it felt weird.
With all of those things accomplished, she sighed softly, moving to where he sat on the bed. Febs leaned in to kiss his cheek gently. "Mmm, I agree, I lost interest about halfway through the night." Thank goodness for good friends and good booze. "I'm sad we didn't even get to dance." That was perhaps the only regret of the evening. She should have tried harder to make time for it, but had barely had time to say hello to half of the people she didn't see on a regular basis. "Unbutton me, I can't reach them all." She chuckled again, pulling her hair over her shoulder as she turned away from him. The option to use her wand crossed her mind, but she also thought he wouldn't mind either.
RE: Between You & Me - Edric Umbridge - September 23, 2018
A chuckle slipped through his upturned lips as she wrangled her way out of her shoes and accessories before turning to let him do the rest of it. He leaned forward, his hands finding her dress' laces and buttons and zippers as they'd done so many times. It was almost alarming that they were so comfortable undressing around each other - so deep into this routine - before their engagement announcement had even found its way into the Daily Prophet. Sitting here, undressing the woman who, for all intents and purposes, was his mistress, it was easy to forget that their entire relationship was rooted in a taboo that could see both of them ruined.
"You should be glad you didn't have to dance with me," he teased, completely unconcerned by that matter. "A certain level of grace might be required for aurors, but rhythm is not." And it wasn't as if dancing had been the main focus of his pre-Hogwarts education; most of his experience had come from, well, doing it.
Meanwhile, he continued to shed each layer of her costume from her body, the tips of his fingers dancing across whatever bare skin he came across. Though her evening gown left more skin exposed than her usual attire, he realized with exasperation that there were even more layers than usual, petticoat after petticoat.
"I assume you enjoyed yourself, though?" he asked. "I don't suppose you were corned by the 'matchmaking prophet' during the evening, hm?" he added with a chuckle.
Febs hummed out a soft sigh of approval as she felt the restrictive layers of her dress loosen around her body. There were far too many layers with an evening gown, more than a regular day dress, but he miraculously managed to get it to the point where she could get out. Shrugging out of the layers, she laughed as they pooled downward. Left with only her stockings and chemise, which hardly counted thanks to its thin straps and shorter length, Febs stepped out of the mass of skirts and hefted them from the floor. She laid them across the chair nearby, padding back toward him with a sly smile.
"Oh come now, please?" The night wasn't technically over. Holding her hands out to see if he would humor her, she waggled her eyebrows at him. "I had a lovely evening, missing you aside." Truthfully she had, though it would certainly be enough socializing for a while. "I did not get to meet the guest of honor, did you?" Febs had actively avoided the seer, leaving that nonsense to September. Her sister was much more fascinated by the subject, as was her mother, but Febs knew just enough to stay away if she could help it. Every time she'd seen it happen, either correctly or incorrectly, it caused trouble, which was the last thing she needed right about now.
RE: Between You & Me - Edric Umbridge - September 23, 2018
Edric's eyes devoured her as she stepped out her dress and momentarily moved away from her. Her beauty, he thought, never failed to amaze him; his gaze still stuck to her bare calves and the soft skin of her shoulders without question, sending his brain into a haze. That, combined with the feelings of longing that defined his evening, made his desire all the more intense. He took her hands without question when she held them out (more because he wanted to touch her than anything), and stood up with a teasing noise of reluctance.
"I did," he said, placing her hands on his shoulders before encircling her waist with his arms. "I somehow ended up at the same table with her and the owner of the hotel." That was the second time I met her that evening, though, he wanted to add, but bit his lip at the last second. She'd told him she wanted to attend the ball only because her friend had invited her, along with comments about the ridiculous premise; still, Febby was a woman, and most women didn't want didn't want to make themselves sound silly in front of their beaus. There was no telling if she took the prospect of a matchmaking seer seriously.
Grinning in triumph Febby allowed herself to be pulled against him, swaying gently to no music, though she hummed a little tune to herself as he spoke. This was so easy, why did it have to be the definition of "wrong" in society's eyes? Of course once they were finally married it wouldn't matter, but honestly all of the nonsense beforehand was going to be the death of her.
"Oh my, aren't you a bigshot?" She teased lightly with a sly smile, tossing her hair over her shoulder casually. "Divination is September's thing, not that she's got any gift; mom dabbles too, but I always thought it was kind of frivolous." Febs shrugged slightly. It wasn't as if she thought all seers were phonies, but a matchmaking one sounded like a ploy if she'd ever heard one. Sighing quietly, Febs leaned in to rest her head on his shoulder. Merlin she couldn't wait until this was their every night- well maybe not impromptu dancing, but coming home to the same bed at the end of the day.
Febs snickered slightly, "Did Miss Valentine have anything interesting to say to you?" Thinking it would be kind of funny- though also had the potential to be problematic?
RE: Between You & Me - Edric Umbridge - September 23, 2018
"Big-shot," he scoffed, following her movements as she swayed back and forth. He liked to think he was, in a way, but he a social lesser compared to some of the other attendees. With a roll of his eyes, he added: "I would have much rather have been seated elsewhere. They could have seated me with Lionel Lupin and I might have at least accomplished some work." He probably wouldn't have in all reality, but he would've been saved from interrogation by the hotel owner's wife and the ladies at the table.
"I think Miss Valentine took time to speak to most eligible bachelors." Or he at least hoped she had; the thought of her singling him out with a real prophecy (if it could even be called that) was... unnerving. "Her assessment was about as vague as your or I could do." Even through his cool and collected tone, it didn't change the truth: Miss Valentine's description did not, in any way, match the woman he planned to marry.
Interest piqued, Febs tried to downplay it, but wasn't so sure she'd be any good at it. He had the annoying knack of seeing right through her sometimes. She leaned back a little to loop her arms around his neck, pressing up against him in an attempt to use some subtle persuasion. "Oh she did? Anything good?" She quirked one eyebrow expectantly, though smiled a little hoping to feign nonchalance.
Whatever it was Miss Valentine had to say to Edric, it wasn't like Febs was going to put any stock into it. Honestly. What self-respecting woman would go on the word of some woman she'd never met and who knew nothing about the situation? (Thank Merlin!) Febs realized briefly that her sister likely would, but Febs had never and would never be that naive. September was a sweet girl but Febs was made of stronger stuff and had opinions on her own life, unlike some girls her age.
RE: Between You & Me - Edric Umbridge - September 23, 2018
He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her cheek, humming happily as her body pressed tighter against his. "She didn't have anything solid for me - no one specific," he reassured. He supposed real seers didn't work like; their prophecies were always said to vague, containing ominous symbolism that needed to be decoded. "At least there's nothing specific about an 'exotic beauty'," he said finally, giving an untroubled shrug. "Unless she was trying to flirt with me, of course." Miss Valentine was definitely exotic, and she was pretty enough, but definitely not his type of woman. (And he wasn't sure what other 'exotic' woman he knew.)
Unexpectedly relieved, Febs chuckled quietly. Whatever it was Miss Valentine had to say, didn't seem to matter much to Edric, so Febs wasn't going to dwell on it either. "Mmm maybe she wanted you for herself." He was quite the catch, handsome, financially stable, newly promoted. Fortunately he was already caught.
"Too bad for her," Febby mused as she pressed her lips to his jaw lightly. "I don't share." Really though, Febs didn't want to put any thought into whatever it was the seer had to say. Even if she'd actually seen something, it didn't necessarily mean anything, right? Visions were always open to interpretation after all. Her mother said as much every time she did a tarot reading. Febs was determined to take it all with a giant grain of salt and not let it ruin their night. Not now, not after going all night without his company, she finally had all night to stay.
RE: Between You & Me - Edric Umbridge - September 24, 2018
Chuckling, Edric allowed his hands to wander up and down her back. "I can't imagine who else she might be talking about," he answered, playfully tugging up the back of her chemise. "I can firmly say I am not well-acquainted with any 'exotic beauties', nor can I imagine becoming acquainted with one in the near future." Besides, through all the drama and bonding they'd been through over the past few months, he wouldn't even consider calling any woman a beauty - not unless he wanted an engagement ring thrown at his face.
"I am, however, very well-acquainted with a British beauty," he teased, dipping his head down to press a chaste kiss to her lips, "and I haven't had much personal time with her lately." There was no need - at least from his perspective - to speculate about another woman when he had this one in his arms.
"Unless," he said, taking a few steps back towards the bed, arms still tightly wound around her waist, "she would like to tell me more about the gentleman who was making her giggle in my absence," he said, brows arched high on his forehead. He'd forgotten about that until now, but he'd meant to bring it up.
Biting her lip, Febs could only quirk another eyebrow at him. "I would certainly hope not." She knew he was just teasing; Febby rather thought they were long past questioning one another's faithfulness. Not to mention without anything being public, it wasn't like anyone knew either one of them was off the market and they had to act accordingly. Febs hadn't really had to deal with it much, but had always had a flirtatious nature, now she just tended to steer toward friendly disinterest.
Her lips curled into a genuine smile at his follow up comment. It was nice to think he thought her beautiful, even if she wasn't always so sure. Confident, yes, but not always one to really play up appearances. Then again, right about now she felt as such, but that probably had something to do with the look in his eyes a few minutes ago after she'd slipped out of her dress.
It took February a minute to realize just who he may have been referring to- clearly distracted trying to follow him to the bed and what came after, but she laughed easily when she figured it out. "You mean Nate? Handsome brunette about my height?" She pressed her lips together to stifle the laugh, but ended up not being able to keep up the pretense anyway. "That's August's best friend. We've been friends since we were eleven." Febs hummed out as she moved one hand to run it through Edric's hair. "He was making sure I hadn't had too much champagne. Bless him." And that had been before she'd run into Mr. Rosier, so she hadn't even lied about it either!
RE: Between You & Me - Edric Umbridge - September 24, 2018
Even bantering with her was difficult when she ran her fingers through his hair. His eyes momentarily fluttered shut, his arms tightening around her waist before he sat down on the bedside and pulled her down on top of him. "If you insist," he murmured, trying to comfortably position her on his lap. "A man always has to be aware of his competition." The words left in a muffled chuckled as he pressed his lips against her bare shoulder.
He was only half-teasing; until he put a ring on her finger officially, men were bound to make their moves on her. Edric wasn't aware of how February handled unwanted attention (or even if it was unwanted to begin with), his only experience being the punches he'd gotten for being a prick to her when they'd first met.
Following him to the bed, Febby chuckled slowly, hiking her chemise up her thighs, settling herself with her legs on the bed on either side of him. Honestly she'd thought he would have given her a harder time on that one and she almost made a quip about Nate being her first love (in her head, as a young girl) but thought better of it. Nate was like an extra brother, it wasn't as if he'd ever even been aware she fancied him at all.
"Your only competition is all in your head." She murmured as she framed his face with her hands, leaning in to kiss him slowly, letting the intensity build on its own. Sliding her hands through his hair again, she pressed against him, feeling that familiar rush of adrenaline through her veins. At this point in the night they probably should have tried actually sleeping, but she didn't have to get up for once so she wasn't fussed. It had also been a while since they'd been that irresponsible; she was in the mood to tempt fate tonight.
RE: Between You & Me - Edric Umbridge - September 25, 2018
With her settled comfortably on his lap, even the allure of banter was unable to stop his hands and lips from wandering. It quickly became a game of trying to get her chemise off without breaking their kiss - or without breaking the fabric itself. In the end, it wasn't a game he could win; the fabric ripped first, but in his best attempt to salvage it, he broke the kiss with a muffled laugh and helped pull it over her head.
"Firs the corset, then your chemise - there's always a new problem," he admitted sheepishly, his hands wandering up and down her body on their own accord. In reality, he was probably a little rusty: he hadn't been a brothel in a few months, but the fear of an unwed pregnancy meant taking extra precautions.