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Little Cub Prankers - Céleste Bénet - September 15, 2018
September 1st, 1888 — Gryffindor Common Room
Cele was thrilled to finally be at Hogwarts. She was pleased that Claire had been sorted into the same house as her, but she did wish, just a little, that they'd been sorted into Hufflepuff with Luce. The fact that Luce was a year above them didn't matter.
"How many fun pranks do you think we can play on people this year?" she whispered to her twin excitedly. Now that they had their wand and were going to be learning magic... the possibilities were endless. "By the end of the month." she added as an after-thought.
RE: Little Cub Prankers - Claire Bénet - September 15, 2018
Finally, she was at Hogwarts! Both her and Cele! All of the magic that they would learn, all of the adventures they would have. It was all so exciting! And both of them were there for the experience. Well, Gryffindor was apparently known for adventurers, so that was good.
Looking to her twin with a playful grin, she shrugged thoughtfully. "As many as we can think of! Now we can use magic to help with our pranks and exploring. How many secret places do you think we can find without getting caught?" She countered. It was all so exciting!
RE: Little Cub Prankers - Céleste Bénet - September 15, 2018
Cele grinned at her twin's response. "We should explore before breakfast tomorrow." After all, they needed to know their way around. And if they had an advantage of knowing where and when to prank and where to hide, all the better. "And then we can start using what we learn in class against our year-mates!"
RE: Little Cub Prankers - Claire Bénet - September 15, 2018
Glad to see that her twin was happy with her response, she grinned back. "Perhaps we can find the kitchens. I hear that that is where the house elves are usually at." She noted. She couldn't help but wonder if they would get to meet Peeves. "I'm sure we can prank more than just our year-mates. You must think bigger Cele. Seventh years, even some of the staff. Though only those with good humor. Do you think we shall find the master of pranking, the one people call Peeves?" She asked in excitement.
RE: Little Cub Prankers - Céleste Bénet - September 15, 2018
'It'd probably be safer to start with our year-mates and then work our way up.' she replied after a minute. She didn't want to prank the upper-years! Not yet, anyway. Cele thought they should wait until next year before they went after the older students. And the Teachers! They probably should not prank them, 'We should look for Peeves as we explore tomorrow.'
RE: Little Cub Prankers - Claire Bénet - September 15, 2018
Used to her twin's more timid nature, she simply shrugged softly. If they had Peeves as their guide, she was sure that they wouldn't run into too much trouble. It wasn't as if their pranks were anything that upset people too much. Other than Mama... she reminded herself once more to never prank Mama. Papa found it funny, Mama did not. "We should, I'm sure he would be delighted for new friends." She replied thoughtfully.
RE: Little Cub Prankers - Céleste Bénet - September 15, 2018
'Peeves might prank us just because we're going to be his competition.' Cele thought aloud. It wasn't that she minded being pranked, it was only fair if they happened to be the center of a joke instead of the ones doing the joke to others, but she'd heard that the poltergeist oftentimes took it to far.
RE: Little Cub Prankers - Claire Bénet - September 15, 2018
Shrugging, that didn’t bother Claire too much. The only problem was thaf she liked to be the one who did the pranking. "Then we will simply prank him back." She stated. After all, it seemed to be more a challenge if someone tried to prank her. What would happen if she successfully pranked Peeves, the ultimate prankster?
RE: Little Cub Prankers - Céleste Bénet - September 18, 2018
It still didn't sound like a good idea to Cele to try and prank The Master, but she would go along with her twin. They'd never done pranks separately. Well, to people they'd already gotten, maybe, but the first time they always did it together. If they got Mama, then they'd have to watch out for her because they'd get her back. They'd done it, once, and decided to never do it again. It was terrifying to see Mama angry and then turn around and get them back. 'Do you think it would be like the time we got Mama?' she asked.
RE: Little Cub Prankers - Claire Bénet - September 18, 2018
That had not come to her attention before. Comparing the two people and how they might react to being pranked. "I don't think so. Peeves seems to love a good prank. I'm sure he'd see it as us proving ourselvers. Mama... Mama doesn't like pranks." She replied, her eyes widening as she spoke of Mama and pranks. Mama and pranks were not something that she liked to think about together anymore.
RE: Little Cub Prankers - Céleste Bénet - September 18, 2018
Cele thought her twin didn't sound all the sure, though, which made her nervous about even thinking about playing a prank on the Poltergeist. She frowned at her twin. 'We should probably get some sleep if we're going to explore before breakfast.' she suddenly felt exhausted. The excitement of the night was quickly wearing off.
RE: Little Cub Prankers - Claire Bénet - September 18, 2018
Well, it didn't seem as though Cele was very confident in the idea. That didn't mean that Claire was not determined. "Alright, sleep will be good." She responded.