Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Ellsworth Ruskin - September 5, 2018
September 3rd, 1888 - Charms Classroom, Hogwarts
Ellsworth never claimed any students were his favorites. He had seen too many over the years, but those who knew him did know he did indeed have a favorite class: the NEWT level students were the ones who chose to be there, no longer obliged to follow a mandatory course of study, but rather able to choose their own courses. Typically they were the most engaged in their lessons and he could talk about subjects a bit more interesting to his own studies.
As the sixth and seventh year students entered the classroom he stood in front of his desk with a genial smile on his face, nodding at his students in greeting. Once they had settled he strode toward the middle of his classroom. The desks on either side seperated for practice in the middle of the room per his usual set up. Over the years he had found it simply made it easier for practical learning - and his habit of striding around as he lectured. But this was the first day of class, and as such he felt no desire to lecture. No, he left that to his fellow instructors. He’d lecture later. But first he wanted them to get some hands on experience.
Welcome back, it’s it’s wonderful to see so many familiar faces this year.” Ellsworth greeted them striding forward. It was certainly a decent sized group this year.
For those of joining us this year,” He looked at the sixth years, “
This will be a more advanced course of study. One which I shall endeavor to make as fascinating as possible.” Ellsworth assured them with a smile. “
I am sure you shall be delighted to hear that I will not be lecturing today, you shall have enough of that in the days that follow. Today we shall be focusing on a few spell. Aquamenti. This allows you to summon water from the tip of your wand. I shall demonstrate for you.” Ellsworth walked back behind his desk where an empty goblet sat. He pushed his robe sleeves up slightly and said the incantation as he made a tilted ‘S’ motion in the air. Water spilled into his goblet until it was full.
As you work on achieving this charm, I would like you to consider why such a spell was invented. I am sure it won’t take too much thought to consider what necessitated the creation of such a spell. However, other charms and enchantments we will learn in this class, such as turning vinegar to wine, have less obvious needs that may have been the advent of its creation. Charms is an ever changing subject as new charms and enchantments are created often to fulfill a need in our communities. Your homework will be to discuss this in an essay.” Ellsworth explained in an enthusiastic voice, his interest in the subject clear. “
But for now I shall cease bending your ears, as I am sure you will appreciate and allow you to get into your tasks. The first student to accomplish a successful water charm shall have earned their houses five points. Begin.”
Open to all 6th & 7th year students. I think I have listed all of you, but if I missed you feel free to join in. Please only post attempts at the task, Ellsworth will have your results posted every few days.
Ignatius Quirrell Rupert Bingham James Baird Emmeline Woodcroft Leah Beauregard Somersby Fudge Sherry Jewell Merriweather Mulciber Sweetie Whitledge @"Acacia Ruskin"
Eldin Bones Kristoffer Lestrange Prudence Browne
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Prudence Browne - September 6, 2018
Pru had been one of the last to arrive. Thankfully, Leah had saved her a spot at the desk next to her so she didn't find herself next to someone horrid like Lestrange. She was only taking 3 NEWT level courses this year, as she'd done either average or poorly in near everything else in her OWL results. It was fine. Grades didn't matter when you were a professional quidditch player. If that failed well... she'd just find herself a position as a shop worker at QQS or something.
"I'd like to learn the wine spell," She muttered just loud enough for her friend's amusement,
"Water isn't going to get me through this school year." Inwardly, she groaned as they were already assigned an essay. She much preferred practical homework. She wasn't looking forward to that at
She focused on the empty goblet before her and attempted to cast the
Aquamenti charm, not entirely confident that she was going to manage it.
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Somersby Fudge - September 12, 2018
It was good to be back at school, Somersby enjoyed being in the classroom again. Especially after this summer. When his father said he was lacking experience before he had left for Irvingly Somersby had simply figured his father was displaying appropriate paternal feelings for the situation, but in truth Somersby had woefully inadequate for the job. The fiery rain still pelted his dreams at night. It was only natural that he now wished to find out as much as he could before he left school. Yet it was still weird to be in school, with all that month (in his mind only three days) had impacted him, it almost felt surreal to be in such a place as Hogwarts. If he had to hazard a guess Ben likely felt the same way.
Sitting in Charms class (a course that he was mildly good at, but had signed up for rather on a whim) Somersby listened to Professor Ruskin. Where had this spell been when he had been dodging fire and hail? Again he felt keenly his inadequacy. When they were set to the task Somersby concentrated on the spell, doing the movements first before finally uttering the incantation at the same time as he squiggled his wand in the air, "
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Ellsworth Ruskin - September 12, 2018
It would be an interesting group this year, Ellsworth determined as they set to work. He hadn't set them to a terribly difficult task, but it certainly wasn't as easy as the sixth years would remember from their OWL level course.
Prudence Browne was the first one to demonstrate this. Brown foul smelling liquid spurted in irregular intervals from her her wand puddling on the desk before her. "
Try again, Miss Browne. " If she cast the charm successfully it should clean up the mess before her.
Somersby Fudge also was not successful. While water, thankfully smell-less, trickled out of his wand it was only a few drops before it ceased altogether. "
Another attempt, I think, Mr. Fudge." He instructed cheerfully.
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Prudence Browne - September 13, 2018
Pru wrinkled her nose as what suspiciously resembled what she'd seen inside her niece's nappy once. She had to remind herself that there was no way possible she had actually managed to conjure baby poo from the tip of her wand - regardless of how similar it appeared to be. Stifling a gag and holding her breath, she attempted the spell again.
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Somersby Fudge - September 14, 2018
The few drops of water his wand produced were not precisely what he had expected. At least he hadn’t had a situation that it seemed Miss Browne had a few desks over. He could smell whatever that was from here. Ignoring the situation Somersby tried again. This time he was sure he’d be successful - he hoped.
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Ellsworth Ruskin - September 17, 2018
Luckily nothing foul smelling spouted from
Prudence Browne's wand, however, nothing at all happened. Perhaps the poor girl couldn’t concentrate for the smell. Ellsworth nodded at her, “
Again, Miss Browne.” He waved her wand at the desk and the mess vanished. He wasn’t entirely heartless.
Somersby Fudge produced trickles of water. A few more drops that last a few more seconds, but nothing further, Ellsworth doubted even a small vial of water had been produced. “
You too, Mr. Fudge.” He directed.
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Somersby Fudge - September 18, 2018
The spell turned out hardly better than the first one had. Somersby supposed this was because at the last moment images of hail and fire had leaped into his brain. It was as if this summer was determined to haunt him for the rest of his days. But he was not about to give up. He just had to find a way to either banish the images or make them work for him. He waved his wand again, “
Aquamenti.” This time he pretended he was trying to put out the raining fire. Perhaps that would help.
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Lydia Lockhart - September 20, 2018
Lydia entered the classroom a minute later than she'd hoped. Professor Ruskin was walking about, as he was wont to do, and talking to the other NEWT level students about them being back for what was for her, the final year. It was hard to believe that she was almost completely done with classes. Charms was by far her favorite, but COMC was second only to that. Not that it mattered what her grades really were, Lydia knew her place and knew that Dolly would be expecting her to make a grand coming out at the Ball at the end of the year and then get married like she had. But she would enjoy everything that she could while she was there.
Nodding in acknowledgement to the professor that she was late, Lydia slid into a seat near Somersby and watched his first attempt at producing water from his wand. When only a few droplets trickled out, she smiled encouragingly at the Ravenclaw and produced her own wand from its pocket near her hip.
"Aquamenti." Would it work? She sure hoped so.
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Prudence Browne - September 22, 2018
Thankfully, Professor Ellsworth had cleaned up the mess for her. She didn't think she'd be able to handle a moment more of that smell. She narrowed her brows in concentration and attempted the spell again, not even noticing the late entrance of Miss Lockhart.
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Ellsworth Ruskin - September 24, 2018
Miss Lockhart, I know it is the beginning of the year, but do try to be on time to class. It will be five points from Gryffindor next time.” He had warned at the end of his lecture, if it weren’t the first day of classes he would have docked them this time, but he was feeling generous today before allowing the students to begin their work.
Ellsworth frowned at
Somersby Fudge’s third attempt, watching the trickle of water from his wand. It appeared to be even less than his first attempt. “
Try with a bit more wrist to it, hm.” Ellsworth suggested. Beside him
Lydia Lockhart's wand did nothing. "
Again, Miss Lockhart." He instructed.
The lack of mess of
Prudence Browne’s table seemed to make her concentrate harder. The results, however, were not what Ellsworth had been hoping for. He almost wished he’d left the mess there as a loud bang sounded from her wand and the sludge like water burst forth in spurts one of which hit him squarely in the face. Ellsworth frowned as he wiped away the mess (which smelled rather of mud) with his robe sleeve. “
Concentrate Miss Browne.” He growled out, taking the wand from her and muttering the counterspell. “
If you don’t you may very well lose your house points.”
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Somersby Fudge - September 26, 2018
Somersby stared at his wand in bafflement. How did he keep making the same mistake? Different ones he could understand, but this? He did not typically just keep making the same mistake. Frustrated he waved the wand in mimic of Professor Ruskin, “
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Prudence Browne - October 3, 2018
Oh bloody hell - now she'd gone and blasted the professor in the face! At least it didn't smell as bad this time?
"Of course," She blushed and shrank down in her chair,
"Sorry, professor." Once the wand was returned to her and the professor was a safe distance away, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, took a deep breath to settle her nerves and attempted the charm again.
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Ignatius Quirrell - October 5, 2018
Ignatius listened as the professor spoke. Once they were bid to begin their task, he tried his best to concentrate on it. It was hard though, especially when the professor got a faceful of liquid. "Aquamenti," he cast as he did his best to focus on the task at hand.
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
James Baird - October 11, 2018
James listened idly as the professor spoke before taking up his wand to make his own attempts at the spell. "Aquamenti," he incanted lazily. His attention was much better spent admiring the beauty of the various girls in the room.
RE: Still Here, Eh? [NEWT Level Charms] -
Ellsworth Ruskin - October 12, 2018
Prudence Browne seemed to have refocused well on the task at hand for this attempted produced dribbles of water. “
Better Miss Browne.”
Somersby Fudge's attempt produced more water than the last several but was still little more than a dribble.
Ignatius Quirrell’s first attempt found his wand blasting shards of ice into the middle of the room. “
Careful Mr. Quirrell, Try a bit less force in the words.”
James Baird on the other hand saw absolutely nothing come of his first attempt.