Gwen had finally "Accidentally" gotten separated from her nanny and was now leaving Florean Fortescue.
She had a good five minutes before she caught up, in the meantime she would enjoy the ice cream she had bought.
Or so she thought as a dirty boy of around ten bumped into her hard, causing her icecream to fall out of her hand and splatter on the ground. For a moment her hand was on her wand, ready to shoot a hex as her anger flared. With a deep breath she forced her hand to relax. To anyone with a sharp eye, she was fuming, though it was hidden well enough that at a glance it would go unnoticed. The worst part, was now her dress was smeared with dirt.
With news of her uncle's sentencing, Holly had been unable to walk into the streets of magical London without receiving a number of glances from other witches and wizards - especially ones who also attended Hogwarts. To say she was popular was a lie, but to say she was unknown to the student population would have been just as untrue; she had made a name for herself as a walking terror, and the number of snickers she'd received that day in Diagon Alley made it plain and clear that more than a few students were happy to see her suffer.
Putting on an indifferent facade was perhaps the most challenging part, as her face naturally rested in a scowl that could so easily be turned into a glare with just a bit of encouragement. Thus was the case when, upon preparing to enter the ice cream shop, she nearly had a run-in with the same boy who had completely ruined the outfit of another girl moments prior. Her nose scrunched up in displeasure: there was nothing more offensive than the sight of ruined fabric, except perhaps the inaction by the girl whose dress had been ruined.
"You should have hexed him when you had the chance," she scoffed, keeping her distance. Upon second glance, she corrected herself: "Or perhaps a curse might have been more suitable. Is that lace?"
Gwen looked up to the other girl. "Aye, it is. A rather nice lace at that. Besides, a curse or hex is too obvious. I know his face now, and there are far better ways to craft a revenge." She gave a small, but slightly malevolent smile. "I know yer face, yet not sure of yer name. " She would have been far less annoyed if casting a spell outside of her home, or the school were not illegal and easily found out. She could have scoured the dirt from the lace with ease.
"A hex or curse takes the least amount of effort." And the least amount of dirt on her hands (or blood, she thought, as the malevolence in this girl's smile made her second-guess whether the revenge she had in mind was deadly or not). "Besides, I wouldn't waste my time on a street rat - it's unbecoming no matter how sweet his cries might sound," she added.
The girl was decidedly Irish, and though Holly didn't have any solid opinions on that, the accent made the girl's words sound even harsher - in some way. Trouble was something Holly was looking to avoid; with people associating her with her violent uncle, she had no need to give society reason to think her capable of violence.
"I'm Holly Scrimgeour. You should know that; we were in classes together for an entire school year," she continued. "I know you're the girl with the strange name nobody bothers to pronounce."
She shrugged again. "True, but it is traceable." She laughed softly at the second part. "True enough. But... He best watch who he runs into next time." She took a moment to remember her name properly. "Ah, yes, sorry that I forgot. Most people avoid you, but most are scared of their own shadows." A more genuine smile spread on her lips. It was replaced with a slight frown as she recalled recent events dealing with Miss Scrimgeour's family. She banished the thought. She realized how horrible it must be, people likely judging her for what another did. Granted she was aware that the girl was far from being an angel.
Taken aback by the girl's bluntness, Holy's eyes widened. There were very few who openly expressed such sentiments, and fewer who expressed them in that context; adults were quick to point out her unbecoming attitude, while only two other students - Pippy Potts and her betrothed, Mr. Macnair - had expressed how mean or annoying she was. Miss What's-Her-Name's assessment was not necessarily insulting, but it was...questionable at best.
"Yes, well, I would much rather not be bothered by those who could be of little use to me," she said, her reply accompanied by a pointed glance. "- or worse, those who have no business in my company." Which included poor people, intentional mischief-makers, mudbloods (save for Madam Sykes - she was still wrapping her head around that one), and creeps. She eyed Miss What's-Her-Name again.
"I find most people are... to quick to judge. A flair of annoyance is normal however." She shrugs again. "Well, I seem to have been separated from my escort. I best be off before she resorts to hunting me down with the family hound." She giggled softly and turned away with a wave.
Well, that was certainly something alright. As the girl ran off, it became apparent that she hadn't even been with a chaperon in the first place - and she'd been trying to talk about judgment. Shaking her head, Holly tried to push the encounter from her mind with the hopes of actually being able to enjoy her ice cream.
Soon her nanny had found her, and after a brief lightwearted scolding cleaned her dress with a flick of her wand. She managed to coerce her nanny into taking her for ice cream, and soon was back inside. She was determined that NOTHING would ruin it this time.
Once she had finally situated herself by a window table, she noticed the Irish madwoman coming parading down the sidewalk and back into the ice cream parlor. She averted her gaze once the little bell on the door began to ring, hoping to avoid any further confrontation - or association, really.
Perhaps not inviting Camille along had been a mistake; at least her sister would have had some vibrant story to keep her entertained instead of allowing her to sit in an awkward, tense silence.
Soon she was happily holding her bannana and chocolate ice cream. She took a seat in a corner booth beside a window and began to slowly lick it, enjoying every moment. He nan sat opposite her, enjoying a cone of her own. As Gwen enjoyed her cone she glanced up and noticed Holly was there. She decided to just eat her ice cream and leave the girl alone for now.
Holly sat there, continuing to ignore the other girl's presence, because she was Holly and had no time for silly games. It did not, however, seem that 'silly games' were going to bring the girls together. Within a few minutes of both Slytherins silently enjoying their ice cream, an argument rose from the parlor's counter and then - and then, much to Holly's horror, the glass beside her shattered, causing her to let out a a gasp.
"Somebody stop them," she managed as she maneuvered between the chairs scattering people towards the only safe place in the shop: the back, which, unfortunately, was where Miss What's-Her-Name was.
Gwen was at her feet in an instant, annoyed as yet again, someone ruined her enjoyment of icecream. Her nan was also reaching for her wand, ready to cast a shield if needed.
More concerned with protecting herself than acknowledging the safety of others, Holly managed to wedge herself behind the Irish madwoman and the old woman beside her. At least if spells were cast their way, they'd fall first!
A burly man at the counter drew his wand, but a punch landed squarely on his jaw, causing the spell to hurtle right for Holly. Nan managed to get her wand out just in time to deflect it. Then, she retaliated with a slew of stupify spells, all four hitting the two fighting men squarely, dropping them to a floor. She huffed as she straightened he skirts and stepped outside to set off red sparks before stowing her wand and sitting back down. "Are you alright there child?" she asked, her voice clear despite her advanced age. For an eighty year old woman she had moved with lightning speed.
When all was said and done, Holly looked up at old woman, partially startled by her quickness. Despite what some of the adults in her life may have suggested, perhaps it was not all too unreasonable to assume that she may one day prove as useful. Still, Holly questioned whether the woman might get in trouble - especially if the stupefy spells did more damage than was due. She carefully extracted herself from her spot and moved around the Irish woman and her charge, hoping to distance herself - both from them physically and the situation.
"I'm fine, thank you," she said quietly. "Though I insist I must be off now. This place seems more trouble than it's worth." At least she'd have something to complain about at dinner!