Unintentional Reading Themes - Printable Version

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Unintentional Reading Themes - Sisse Thompsett - July 26, 2023

I don't know about you all but every year I unintentionally end up with a theme to my reading. Usually it's just something that pops up in quite a few books and not something I'm seeking out. For instance, this year the theme seems to be cults. I read one book about one and since then I've run into it as conversations and themes in other books.

So the 2023 themes for Fallin:


Anyone else end up with accidental themes in their books?

RE: Unintentional Reading Themes - Aldous Crouch - July 26, 2023

I mean I have ended up with a lot of romance/romcom lately because I follow a certain someone on Bookstagram, but I think I’m still really varied!

Also Fallin re: cults, you might want to check out Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism if you haven’t yet!

RE: Unintentional Reading Themes - Sisse Thompsett - July 26, 2023

Lol, see I haven't been seeking out anything having to do with cults. I was reading a romcom and a fantasy novel when they popped up again. But that definitely sounds interesting so I may need to find a copy.

RE: Unintentional Reading Themes - Gus Lissington - July 26, 2023

If you want a thriller that may or may not involve cults - Pieces of Her by Karen Slaughter. There’s a sequel, but the name escapes me. Im currently working my way through all the books she written.

RE: Unintentional Reading Themes - Cassius Lestrange - July 26, 2023

- investigations of true crime as a genre
- rural fantasy

RE: Unintentional Reading Themes - Seneca Lestrange - July 26, 2023

This year I've read quite a few books about Asian authors and/or about Asian characters, or set in Asian countries. Currently reading a book set during the Korean war.