Party like it's 1893 - Printable Version

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Party like it's 1893 - Benevolence Crouch - July 4, 2023

My Dear Brother-in-Law,

I am hosting a small, intimate supper, in celebration of Roman's birthday - just dinner and a cake. We would be delighted if you were able to join us.

with Kindness,

My Dear Brother-in-Law,

I am hosting a small, intimate supper, in celebration of Roman's birthday - just dinner and a cake. We would be delighted if you and your wife were able to join us.

with Kindness,

My Dear Sister-in-Law,

I am hosting a small, intimate supper, in celebration of Roman's birthday - just dinner and a cake. We would be delighted if you and your husband were able to join us.

with Kindness,

Ursula Black for Nova, Aldous Crouch Reuben Crouch
Tycho Dodonus - FYI

RE: Party like it's 1893 - Aldous Crouch - July 4, 2023


5th July, 1893

Mrs. Crouch,

My brother is fortunate indeed, to have found so considerate a companion. We would, of course, be delighted to attend. Mrs. Crouch (my own wife, of course; not yourself!) shall reach out to confirm the particulars.

Yours most sincerely,
A. Crouch
Benevolence Crouch

RE: Party like it's 1893 - Reuben Crouch - July 5, 2023

Dear Benevolence,

Of course I'll come.

Did you happen to invite Melody? I imagine not... and it wouldn't impact my coming or not... just that if she is attending I'd like to be aware beforehand. Thank you for understanding.


RE: Party like it's 1893 - Benevolence Crouch - July 5, 2023

Dear Ben,
I did not invite Melody, however, if things between you have changed, she will of course be welcome.


RE: Party like it's 1893 - Reuben Crouch - July 5, 2023

Dear Benevolence,

Nothing has changed. Thank you.

Ben Crouch