ISSUE #273 — Who's Who of the Hogwarts Debut - Printable Version

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ISSUE #273 — Who's Who of the Hogwarts Debut - Witch Weekly - May 28, 2023

Your trusted source since A.D. 1666
Witch Weekly
One knut
Issue #273, 28th May 1893
The Fresh Faces of the 1893 Season
Written by Matilda Clishmaclaver

Idunn Fraser
Miss Fraser is unlikely to make much of a social splash this season. In spite of her position as head girl, we at WW have the impression that she takes after the more eccentric element of her own family. It is our prediction that Miss Fraser will be lost to the world of work. Her absent sister's divorce is also likely to be something of a dark cloud over her first season.

Lady Georgiana Sherington
The younger sister of Countess Adinbury and Viscount Hillingham. It is a surprise that the young, very literal lady, does not already have a fiancé on the cards. Given that one of her elder sisters married a muggle she may feel the pressure of the recent judgment against Viscount Winfield and his would-be fiancé to choose between a titled suitor and the society of magical England. We hope she chooses correctly.

Louise Quibbleberry
One could scarce avoid the marital intentions of the Quibbleberry family. Miss Louise has been trotted out at every social gathering her mother has attended during the Summer and Christmas breaks since she was 15. Fully out or not, it hasn't mattered to Mrs Quibbleberry who has made her intention of a quick match for her daughter painfully clear. We at WW are unconvinced that Miss Louise has the substance to back up her mother's most fervent intentions.

Irene Fudge
Physically, a rather plain creature, especially when compared to her elder sister. However, it has been remarked that her dancing skills are above average. The family's notable position as society hosts and their centrality to society events may assist Miss Fudge in making the most of her first year out.

Rachel Morgan
Miss Morgan is a young lady distinguished by little save for her exceptional height and being in possession of two brothers who might well be considered 'catches'. It is unclear if the same can be said for Miss Morgan, but then it must be difficult to follow in the footsteps of a sister who was a social success, and who was also widowed in tragically dramatic circumstances.

Constance Bones
Miss Bones, although her family are otherwise notable and acceptable people, may find herself struggling in the marriage market. If only for her unfortunate complexion which is somehow both ruddy and freckled. Miss Bones ought to consider Mrs Minn's Smooth Skin Tonic, as advertised by Witch Weekly! It certainly won't hurt.

Arabella Dolby

Miss Dolby, is a most amusing debutante, a girl who already has something of a reputation for wit she might be one of the stars of the season were it not for the fact that she finds herself far too amusing, frequently dissolving into giggles at her own jokes. Worse yet - her laugh rivals that of a braying donkey.

Margaret Clark
Miss Clark is a young lady we have heard talk of in mostly positive terms. While we have heard little specific praise, perhaps she stands out simply by virtue of not being so publically questionable as many of her peers. Mister and Mrs. Clark can be commended at least for producing a young lady who appears to be well-rounded, finished, and prepared for her first season.

The Meredeth's
We will deal with both Meredeth ladies together. While ladies originating from the Indian Subcontinental portion of the Empire are not, themselves, of note, these ladies certainly wear their 'uniqueness' on their sleeve. We are not entirely sure if this is a good thing - only time will tell.

Sarah Moon
Miss Moon's attendance is noted...that is all. No doubt she and Miss Quibbleberry are fast friends.

Also in this issue...
Mrs Minn's Smooth Skin Tonic Best Ever Recipe!

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Page 3 — Magical Flowers and the Symbolism of Flowers in Courtship and Love

Page 7 — Budgeting and Household Management for those without a house elf

Page 10 — The Cultivation of Female Intellect: How much education is too much education?

Page 14 — Say it with Crafts: Passive Aggressive Messages through your crafts

Page 20 — The Art of Letter Writing: Epistolary Etiquette and Grace

Page 22 — Can You Trust Your Ladies Maid? 7 signs she's going to get married

Page 28 — Exploring the World: Travel Tips for Adventurous Women

Page 31 — The Pleasures of Reading: Literary Recommendations for Discerning Women

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