The Least of My Kind - Printable Version

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RE: The Least of My Kind - Morwenna Skeeter - December 4, 2019

She considered how far away Nora’s office was and though her mind deemed that it was a perfectly reasonable distance Morwenna was not convinced her body felt the same. But there were no alternatives and she could see the logic in the younger witch’s suggestion: Elinor’s pragmatic, quick-thinking would make her an excellent division head, or perhaps even assistant head of the whole department in a few years, but Morwenna felt increasingly as though she wasn’t going to be here to see Nora flourish and she doubted the young woman would take any advice from her now.

“I believe so,” taking a tentative step Morwenna was pleasantly surprised to discover that her legs, for once, were doing their job. Christ almighty she was a wreck these days. Forcing back tears that were born equally of embarrassment and despair Morwenna tried to regain her composure before they faced the corridors beyond her door. “Thank you Elinor.”

RE: The Least of My Kind - Elinor Goyle - December 14, 2019

Was she deserving of thanks, Elinor wondered as the pair made their way through the department as inconspicuously as they could. Each employee they encountered prompted Nora to reflexively hold her breath, expecting Morwenna's condition to be found out at any moment. After what felt like years, though, the pair finally crossed the threshold into Nora's comparably smaller office, and the witch shut the door heavily, relieved to have it between them and the rest of the world.

Quickly, she moved to start a fire in the hearth.

RE: The Least of My Kind - Morwenna Skeeter - December 19, 2019

Were Morwenna feeling fanciful with her feelings she might have said that the fire beginning to burn was an apt symbol of where her relationship with Elinor was going but she was too tired, and far too defeated, to feel anything other than despair. Tears sprang to her eyes again but Morwenna had not risen to her current position without having an iron grasp on her emotions even in company that she cared for and she blinked them away.

“Bloody smoke,” she muttered idly, with no doubt Elinor would know she was lying. “I think I can manage from here, my dear,” if she could save Elinor from some awkwardness then at least she might sleep a little easier. "I don't know how to thank you."