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+---- Thread: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} (/showthread.php?tid=3551)
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - Sweetie Whitledge - April 10, 2019
MEMORY: A vacation back when she was ten, the summer before her oldest siblings had gone to Hogwarts. Back when everything had been peaceful and the siblings were actually acting like siblings. AND… 5
It couldn't be the right one. That had to be it. But what could be? It took her a moment. She looked to Mr. Quirrell when instructed, but not for long. She was sure that she had been that determined when she had cast the spell. Could she be wrong? It couldn't be. She closed her eyes as she thought of her life. The good, and the bad, it was all jumbled together and yet separate. She thought of her sisters, her parents, and even her brother.
Past the more recent years. Back to when she was little. It had all been simpler. A simple little visit to one of their vacation homes. She had been ten. It had been peaceful. Pleasant. Mother and father laughing at the antics of her and her siblings. Even Handsome was having a wonderful time. Laughter and giggling filled the warm summer air. What was completely going on wasn't quite clear, but the emotions were. She took that feeling in. She breathed deeply. 'Live the feeling', she thought to herself. "Expecto Patronum!"
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - Goodluck Warbeck - April 10, 2019
Checking his stance, he took a moment to center himself. Concentrate. Determination was key, as the professor had mentioned. So he focused on the memory, the emotion, and said, "Expecto Patronum!"
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - Luce Fay-De Loncrey - April 10, 2019
SKILL: 2 CHARMS: A MEMORY: Singing with her sister while their mother plays piano. AND… 2 FORM: Random PREVIOUSLY ON DADA: N/A
It took her a bit of time to figure out what her memory would be. She observed her fellow classmate's stances, paying particular attention to what the professor said. Then she finally thought of a nice memory to go off of. She concentrated on the music that was played, the happiness that she had felt, and then... "Expecto Patronum!"
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - James Baird - April 10, 2019
James looked over at Quirrell as the professor singled him out and gave him some house points. Okay, he could do that. He focused really hard as he tried the spell once more. "Expecto patronum." Surely, he could do this.
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - Rupert Bingham - April 10, 2019
Rupert barely managed to resist rolling his eyes as his dormmate managed a wisp and got singled out by the professor as having done well. Of course that nerd would manage it. What happy memory could that book urchin possibly have anyway? Concentrating on his own thing, or at least trying to, Rupert tried again. "Expecto patronum."
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - Ignatius Quirrell - April 10, 2019
Ignatius was pleased to have managed a wisp and even more so, to earn points for it. He was then hyperaware of Miss Ruskins gaze on him but he tried not to be thrown off course. Continuing along as he had been doing before, Ignatius tried the spell again. "Expecto patronum."
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - Somersby Fudge - April 12, 2019
Somersby hadn't had much luck last year with this spell either. He had practiced it since but it seemed fruitless. Silently he cast about for another memory, steeled himself, and cast the spell again.
MEMORY: When his father brought home the first creatures for the menagerie and Somersby got to help care for them
AND… 3
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - Nikolai Sleptov - April 13, 2019
It seemed as though Quirrell's initial success was the bridge that led his classmates to their own private victory, as both Bingham and Miss Whitledge proved, after some attempts, capable of producing a wisp of silver. Nikolai said nothing, but continued to observe his pupils' efforts.
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - James Baird - April 13, 2019
James was getting a little frustrated. A couple of others had at least managed wisps while he was still getting bupkis. Trying his best to improve his stance and trying to focus (it was just so hard considering the amount of pretty girls in the room), he tried again. "Expecto patronum."
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - Somersby Fudge - April 13, 2019
Perhaps he wasn't remembering that day well enough, Somersby thought. He cast his mind back to that day, but felt the shadow of his father's death lingering as he said the words of the spell aloud in another attempt.
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - Rupert Bingham - April 13, 2019
Rupert was pleased with himself for also managing to produce a wisp. Bolstered with confidence, he tried the spell again. "Expecto patronum."
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - Ignatius Quirrell - April 13, 2019
Ignatius continued with how he had been doing so far. It seemed to work for him. He just needed to focus. Clear his mind. Taking a breath and exhaling it, he cast the spell once more.
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - Eldin Bones - April 14, 2019
MEMORY: His mother returning unharmed the Irvingly fog expedition. (4)
Eldin sighed, already able to tell that the memory of a broomstick would never work, It wasn't nearly strong enough; even flying on quidditch pitch with the Slytherin team would have been stronger in terms of pure glee, but he knew that wouldn't work either. Instead, he chose to focus on something more... recent. Something that, at the time, had even made him tear up — not that he'd ever admit it to anyone — with happiness: his mother's safe return after nearly a month away during the Irvingly expedition.
"Expecto patronum," he managed after a minute of concentration, eyes squeezed shut as the memory flooded his mind.
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - October Lynch - May 10, 2019
SKILL: 3 CHARMS: E MEMORY: Her brother's return after being missing for a year and a half AND… 4 FORM: Random PREVIOUSLY ON DADA: --
October tried to think of a happy memory. And she had a difficult time thinking of one. But then one popped into her mind.
August’s return...
It was a miracle indeed. Almost everyone had given up looking for him by that time and he shows up out of nowhere. Alive and not in a coffin. October was filled with joy when her parents brought him home. Although she did feel hurt when he could not recognize her. The slytherin concentrated on the happier side of their reunion . He was alive and that what mattered most.
Hoping the memory was strong enough, the witch cast “Expecto Patronum.”
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - Acacia Darlington - May 11, 2019
In trying to focus on her feelings, Acacia realized that she might not have been as focused on the actual memories. Perhaps that was why nothing was showing? She concentrated harder on her memories and how they made her feel. "Expecto Patronum."
RE: I Want You To Be Happier {NEWT DADA} - Sweetie Whitledge - May 11, 2019
A wisp! Progress, and something she could be proud of. And she knew that this memory at least had some foot hold to her happiness. So she concentrated as much as she could, letting the memory begin to wash over her more. "Expecto Patronum!"