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Queen Victoria was known for putting jackets and dresses on her pups, causing clothing for dogs to become so popular that fashion houses for just dog clothes started popping up all over Paris. — Fox
It would be easy to assume that Evangeline came to the Lady Morgana only to pick fights. That wasn't true at all. They also had very good biscuits.
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Edgar Rey II
36 Posts
Played by Kelly
Fifth Year
15 year old Halfblood
ft. in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Edgar Charles Rey II

Nickname(s): Charlie

Birthdate: October 5, 1873

Age: 15


Occupation: Student

Blood Status: Halfblood

Residence: London

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Wand: Aspen, 12", slightly flexible, dragon claw

Father: Hubert Rey (1850) - Squib
Mother: Brenda Rey née ____ (1851) - Muggleborn
Sister: Bellerose Rey (1875)
Sister: Fleur Rey (1877)

Grandfather: Edgar Rey (1816)
Grandmother: Lacy Rey née ____ (1827)

Aunt: Jade Operine née Rey (1846)
Uncle: Alex Operine (1840)
Cousin: John Operine (1867)
Cousin: Charles Operine (1869)
Cousin: Eric Operine (1872)
Cousin: Michael Operine (1873)
Cousin: Terry Operine (1876)

Uncle: Charles Rey (1850-1887)

Aunt: Guinevere Lukeson née Rey (1848-March 23, 1888)
Uncle: Ryder Lukeson (1842-March 22, 1888)
Cousin: Ace Lukeson (1869)
Cousin: Avril Nott née Lukeson (1871)
and family
Cousin: Leroy Lukeson (1872-1887)
Cousin: King Lukeson (1873)
Cousin: Jolie Lukeson (1875)
Cousin: Sybille Lukeson (1877)
Cousin: Roselle Lukeson (1888)
Eyes: Dark chocolate colored brown

Hair: A shade lighter than his eyes

Height: 5'3"

Clothing: He wears appropriate clothing for a young boy his age. He prefers wizard attire, to make it a point to purists that he's a wizard to.

Dominant Hand: Right

PB ~ Alex Hibbert

1873: Edgar Charles Rey is born into the world. His blood purist grandfather is insulted that the boy is named after him, as Edgar Rey I does not wish to share the name what he deems to be a 'mudblood' and further disgrace to the family. His Aunt Guinevere and her family, his grandmother, and his parents are thrilled to have him join the family.

1875: He gets a baby sister, and sees it fit to start calling her Bell, a shortened version of her name, Bellerose.

1876: Edgar shows his first signs of magic by making a bag of sweets float to him that his mother said that he had to save for later.

1877: He is disappointed when his next sibling turns out to be another girl, but finds it interesting as how similar she looks to father.

1880: Cousin Ace goes to Hogwarts, and is sorted into ____.

1882: Avril follows Ace to Hogwarts, getting sorted into Ravenclaw.

1883: Leroy is off to Hogwarts, going into Hufflepuff.

1884: Edgar is disappointed and frustrated when learning that he can not go to Hogwarts yet, feeling slightly insulted that the school wouldn't let him go just because his birth day was after the start date. After all, he was still turning 11 that year, and thus sees it as unfair. He also thinks that if anyone should be held back a year, it is King, thinking it would give him time to gain more confidence.

1885: Edgar finally gets to join his cousins at Hogwarts. The hat hesitated a little bit between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. Sometimes he gets comments that he should have been a Ravenclaw.

1886: The young Jolie joins the bunch at Hogwarts, and it is Ace's last year. Edgar could tell that his sister is also upset by not getting to go the year she turns 11, do to her birth date.

1887: Ace graduates, and it seems their aunt is very happy about this. Disaster strikes during summer, as they lose both Leroy and Charles. Aunt Guinevere pulls Avril out of school and into the Pendergast Rose (though she doesn’t get in for some reason, so is homeschooled instead), though Avril seems to not be very happy about this. And now his little sister is joining him in school this new year, and is sorted into Hufflepuff.

March 22, 1888: Uncle Ryder is dead.

March 23, 1888: Cousin Roselle is born, but Aunt Guinevere had passed away.

March 25, 1888: Ace obtains guardianship of his younger siblings. Edgar can't imagine how that must feel.

February 1, 1889: According to the Daily Prophet, Aunt Guinevere might be alive? Thanks guys, good to know that everyone's top priority is to keep him in the loop.

February 4, 1889: Aunt Guinevere is found and rescued. She really was alive. This is shocking, but in a good way.

June 26, 1889: Avril actually marries Warwick Nott, after the two are betrothed due to Aunt Jade. Edgar feels bad for Avril. It seems highly unlikely that the older cousin would have wanted this.

July 12, 1889: Some werewolf drama happens, which Edgar is currently unaware of.
Introvert: Social situations drain him, though he will still be social despite this. He tends to be more quiet, thinking deeply about certain situations.

Sensor: Practical solutions are what he strives for, not wanting to go too far from stuff that he doesn’t already know.

Thinker: Honesty is something that he truly values. Feeling that avoiding the truth will only end badly in the long run, he is a bit harsh at times.

Perceiver: Having options open to him, instead of having too much on his plate, is something that he greatly prefers. When opening up to people, Edgar can actually be quite casual and playful at heart. Decision making is not his strong suit, and big decisions tend to give him anxiety.
Amortentia: Honey, and chocolate brownies.

Patronus: Hasn’t cast one yet.

Boggart: Edgar I pointing a wand at him as hatred shined in the old man's eyes.

Hogwarts Clubs: Chess

Star Sign: Libra

Hobbies: Not really, perhaps reading?

Pets: An owl named Poe, after Edgar Allan Poe. He felt the name was slightly ironic.
Magic by MJ!
Edgar Rey II's Most Liked Post: RE: Popping Potion Pandemonium | Post Subject: Popping Potion Pandemonium | Numbers of Likes: 1