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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Hyacinth Valenduris
54 Posts
Played by Athena

dream a little dream of me
First Year
12 year old Pureblood
4 ft. 7 in.
❤   Unattached
Full Name: Hyacinth Diana Valenduris

Nickname(s): None

Birthdate: May 31, 1882

Age: 12

Gender: Female

Occupation: 1st Year Slytherin

Blood Status: Pureblood

Residence: Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade

Hogwarts House: Slytherin

Wand: Willow, 8”, Supple, Unicorn Hair

her wand has a level of sentience that allows for it to glow, vibrate, and hum in order to guide her around her surroundings if she holds it out in front of her. it acts in the same way as a seeing-eye dog would, allowing her to maneuver independently through the world without fear that she will run into things or hurt herself. the summer months leading up to her first year at hogwarts, she practiced with it with the help of her parents and her older siblings so that she would be ready to be independent when it came time for going to school.


grandfather: earnest valenduris - deceased
grandmother: amarantha valenduris née - deceased

father: theseus valenduris [b. 1841]
mother: rosaline valenduris née [b. 1854]
brother: --- valenduris [b. 1873]
sister: amarantha valenduris [b. 1875]
sibling: --- valenduris [b. 1878]

great-grandfather: meserimus valenduris [b. 1748]
great-grandmother: avella valenduris née rosier - deceased
great-uncle: meserimus valenduris jr. - deceased
great-aunt: lisa valenduris & family
great-uncle: charles valenduris - deceased
great-aunt: claire valenduris & family - deceased
great-aunt: antonette valenduris & family
great-uncle: samson valenduris & family - deceased
great-uncle: rasputin valenduris [b. 1820] & family

great-grandmother: arabella valenduris née - deceased
great-uncle: apolonius valenduris & family
great-aunt: circe valenduris & family
great-aunt: medea heslop née valenduris & family
great-uncle: magnus valenduris

great-grandmother: katerina valenduris née krum [b. 1862]
great-aunt: morgan valenduris [b. 1881]
great-aunt: parthenope valenduris [b. 1882]
great-aunt: penelope valenduris [b. 1882]
great-uncle: nicholas valenduris [b. 1885]
great-uncle: merlin valenduris [b. 1887]
face claim: mackenzie foy
ethnicity: caucasian
accent: british received pronunciation
height: 145 cm
weight: 40 kg
build: waifish
eyes: green
hair colour: brown
hair style: down in ringlets or tied in ribbons that match her dresses
wand hand: right
distinguishing features: she is considered an ambulatory wheelchair user; she doesn’t always need it, but there are good days and bad days and when they are bad, she prefers to sit and rest rather than walk. her father has had charms placed on her chair so it can float over stairs and can collapse easily for storage and transport so her need for it doesn’t interrupt anyone’s studies while she is at hogwarts.

scent: light soap, like flowers

demeanor: she is a poised and elegant young lady that adults would compliment on how sweet she was and how her governess must be pleased to work with such a proper child who wouldn’t try to evade her or throw any embarrassing tantrums. she isn’t necessarily shy, but she doesn’t like to make a spectacle of herself and tends not to speak to other children unless prompted first, and when she is, she is happy to talk to them and hopes a friendship will come out of it. she enjoys her etiquette classes far more than many of her other peers, especially when it earns her praise, and she likes to think that it will make her like the princesses in all of the storybooks she loves to read about. she would sit still in class, raise her hand before speaking aloud, and avoid getting into any real trouble if she can help it.

fashion: hyacinth has been spoiled with all the prettiest dresses that a young lady could ask for as well as plenty of ribbons for her hair. as she cannot see what she is wearing, truthfully hyacinth doesn’t have much of an opinion on fashion aside from the fact there are some fabrics she isn’t fond of, like wool because it makes her itchy, and there are ones she prefers like satin and silk which feel smooth and soft against her skin. she also has a preference for wearing things that are warm, as she finds herself being almost always cold unless properly bundled up. her mother picks out all of her dresses and she and her governess take care to make sure that she always looks her best for every occasion. hyacinth’s clothes always reflect the most current styles with a soft blend of both muggle and wizard inspired.

early childhood
1883 - 1893

from the moment her mother went into labor, it was clear that hyacinth was going to be a difficult one. the moon was high in the sky by the time rosaline finally felt the urge to push her out, having labored for nearly a whole day at that point, with multiple ‘almosts’ throughout the week. she barely stayed awake long enough to hold the screaming cherub before she was whisked away by the nurses so she could get some rest. rosaline would thank her lucky stars that she had hired staff to look after little hyacinth when she got overwhelmed because she was a fussy little baby who screamed and cried over every little thing until her lungs got tired and she fell back asleep. she couldn’t remember taking care of a newborn being such a hassle, and she had three other children worth of experience.

hyacinth got sick a lot, that was just something the family got used to, but she always managed to recover, so her grandparents always told their children to relax and she would get stronger with age - babies were fragile, but resilient. that was until 1884 when those purist of magical blood seemed to be affected by some sort of plague. the valenduris family grabbed their things and rushed to one of their homes out in the country to try and avoid the sickness, but the younger two children managed to catch it anyway. the second youngest recovered quickly, thank merlin, but little hyacinth ended up so sick that they feared the worst. rosaline would pray over and over to whomever was listening that her daughter would recover, that she would try harder to be a more attentive mother and not get so frustrated if her daughter lived, and after a grueling near miss, her wish was then granted much to her relief; hyacinth pulled through.

it was not without consequences, however, and through time it became apparent that the sickness had taken a toll on the child’s overall health. hyacinth was blind and her muscles were weak and that showed especially when she didn’t meet certain milestones that the other children did when they were her age. while heartbreaking and hard to accept at first, especially since rosaline knew people would ask about it, she would not send her daughter to some hospital to be shut away from those who may pity her or think her too fragile - she had promised the universe that she would be a better mother if her daughter survived and she was not about to break that promise.

during the next few years as hyacinth grew her nurse, then governess, and her mother would treat her like any other daughter, with some accommodations. she got a wheelchair of her own that was charmed to be able to float over the stairs and it had a belt attached so she could buckle her daughter in so she didn’t fall out when she was too young to keep her own balance, hyacinth figured out the layout of her own home so she managed to walk around just fine so long as nobody changed the furniture positions. just like her elder siblings, she had tutoring in music, etiquette, and languages, and hyacinth did just fine so long as she was accommodated. her favorite things were flower pressing, which she did by feeling the softness of the petals and the slight roughness of the book pages, reading, which she either did in braille or had a book charmed to read to her if her governess wasn’t there to do it, and playing the piano and singing, which much to her parent’s delight, she had a hidden talent for perfect pitch and delighted guests who’d hear her perform at dinner parties.

as her eleventh birthday drew near, there were a lot of conversations between theseus and rosaline about whether they would be okay with sending hyacinth to hogwarts. in the end, they agreed they would at least let her go her first year and if she performed well with minimal problems, she could continue to go until she graduated properly just like her siblings. hyacinth was ecstatic to hear this as she dreamed of going to hogwarts and learning how to perform all kinds of magic that her family made look so easy. in the summer of 1893, her father renewed the charm on her wheelchair to not only float over stairs, but also shrink and collapse when needed so it could be placed out of the way when hyacinth didn’t need it. hyacinth also got her wand which she found could guide her much like a seeing eye dog or a cane would and she’d practice it with her governess and parents so she’d be ready to use it with ease once she got to school. her governess also taught her how to dictate to a quill that wrote for her in a way that wouldn’t be bothersome to her classmates, among other magic based ways to make her time easier. young hyacinth would hopefully be ready for everything that would be thrown her way.
strengths: ambitious, clever, compassionate, determined, elegant, graceful, musical, organized, patient, polite, resourceful, strategic

weaknesses: disabled, eavesdropper, fanciful, finicky, hesitant, naïve, perfectionist, quiet, secretive, sensitive, spoiled, stubborn

likes: books, chess, daydreams, fantasy stories, flower petals, going out for walks in the park, her governess, honey, kittens, lullabies, magic, music, pastries, playing outside in the snow, playing piano, plush toys, porcelain dolls, silk & satin fabric, reading, singing, sitting in the sunshine, smell of rain, tea with sugar and milk, the feeling of wind against her face, the sound of chirping birds

dislikes: being alone, being too tired to do anything, feeling lost, getting sick, hospitals, large bodies of water, loud noises, muggles who fear or dislike magic, not being included in conversations about her, smell of tobacco smoke, spicy food, strangers touching her wheelchair, the bitter taste of medicine, when her kitten, heidi, jump scares her by pouncing on her lap suddenly, wool fabric

fears: being alone, drowning in a large body of water, getting lost and not finding her way back, losing one of her other senses, needing to spend more time hospitalized, not accomplishing any of her goals, not making any friends at hogwarts or being bullied

goals: compose her own piano piece with voice accompaniment and perform it, get physically stronger and healthier so she doesn’t get sick or tired so much, make genuine friends at hogwarts, master getting around on her own using her wand and instincts

habits: blushes when bashful easily, gets lost in her own thoughts, if someone is speaking to her she’ll look in their direction, likes to reach out and feel the textures of things around her, makes up goals for herself and becomes determined to meet them, pushes herself when she’s tired because she doesn’t want to rest, sings or hums to herself when she is focused on something

hobbies: chess, daydreaming, flower pressing, going out for walks in the park, playing piano, playing with dolls, reading, singing

Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic

— skills —

01. fluent in english, braille & learning french, latin
02. pianist & singer, considered to have perfect pitch

— trivia —

amortentia: unknown
boggart: unknown
clubs: music & potions
electives: unknown
patronus: unknown
pets: heidi, turkish angora kitten
quidditch: she doesn’t play
religion: agnostic
romantic orientation: unknown
sexual orientation: unknown
titles: none
zodiac sign: gemini
[Image: hyacinth-signature.png]
Hyacinth Valenduris's Most Liked Post: The Diary of Miss Hyacinth | Post Subject: The Diary of Miss Hyacinth | Numbers of Likes: 2